MATCH Lab Michael Smith Laboratories, UBC
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Multiomic Analysis of Treatment Resistance and Cancer Heterogeneity (MATCH) Lab

Our Vision

The MATCH Lab is composed of students, post-doctoral fellows, biologists and informaticians who are collectively motivated by a vision in which the power of genome analysis is leveraged to identify cancer cell vulnerabilities that can be actioned to improve outcomes for cancer patients. We intend to identify and rationalize therapeutic targets and transmit this information into research and health care settings at scale, thereby influencing treatment planning and improving outcomes for the benefit of cancer patients, their loved ones and society as a whole.

Research Area:

The MATCH lab has positioned itself as a nexus of technology development, cancer genome science and personalized cancer genomic medicine to deliver new discoveries capable of shifting cancer research and treatment paradigms and revealing new, more effective ways to treat cancer. We do this by engaging in research projects that have the potential to influence clinical paradigms and eventually lead to the creation of new treatment options for cancer patients.


Our Research

Our Research

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Our Projects

Our Projects

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Our Team

Our Team

Meet the MATCH team members who drive our vision and research.